Contacts: Wendy Keefover
WildEarth Guardians
Brenda Porter
Colorado Mountain Club
Golden Mountain Lion Presentation
Topics Include Front Range Study, Natural History and Co-Existence
GOLDEN, Colo.— The Colorado Mountain Club and WildEarth Guardians will host an evening: Mountain Lions Live in Golden. Presenters will discuss mountain lion natural history, ecology, ongoing research and tips for living and recreating in mountain lion country.

“Mountain lions contribute to the richness and complexity of Colorado’s ecosystems,”
said Wendy Keefover, wildlife advocate for WildEarth Guardians. “By creating awareness and understanding of these native cats, we can promote common sense precautions to eliminate potential human-lion conflicts.”
Golden’s rugged foothills and mountainous backdrop provide excellent habitat for mountain lions, also commonly called pumas, cougars, or panthers. These large, golden cats, shy and unsocial by nature, prefer living around rugged terrain that is suitable for ambushing prey, such as deer and elk. While mountain lions are thought of as wilderness creatures, they are highly adaptable and can flourish in suburban habitats like those found all along the Front Range. As an "obligate carnivore," however, mountain lions are constantly on the prowl for prey, which can bring them into the human areas.
The presentations include what is necessary to maintain lions’ long-term conservation, including what the state has done to protect breeding females and their kittens. Kittens are totally dependent upon their mothers for their first nine months, and typically spend between ten and 24 months learning survival skills from their mother.
Also on hand will be mountain lion researcher Mat Alldredge of the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Alldredge is the lead researcher on a groundbreaking study of mountain lion habits and habitat needs along the Front Range. His study provides new and surprising insights into mountain lion biology and ecology.
“We're trying to learn more about how lions utilize urbanize landscapes to help us develop strategies to minimize conflicts,” Alldredge said.
Keefover added that as more Coloradans move into mountain lion habitat in the coming years, public education will be key to maintaining tolerance for the species, and for ensuring their conservation.
“The better that people understand this magnificent animal, the more likely it is that we will continue to have support for protecting the places that it needs to survive over the long term,” she said.
Event Details:
Mountain Lions Live in Golden
Thursday, March 10, 6:30-8:30
American Mountaineering Center-Colorado Mountain Club
710 10th Street, Golden, CO 80401
About the Colorado Mountain Club
The Colorado Mountain Club (CMC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to adventure, education and preservation in Colorado. Established in 1912 by mountaineering enthusiasts, CMC now has more than 8,000 members statewide who explore and protect the wild areas of Colorado. CMC offers hundreds of events and classes for all ages and abilities. Throughout its history, the club has been instrumental in landmark achievements such as the designation of Rocky Mountain National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, and the passage of the Wilderness Act. To become a member, visit
About WildEarth Guardians
Founded as Forest Guardians in 1989, WildEarth Guardians protects and restores wildlife, wild rivers, and wild places in the American West. We have four programs focusing on wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and climate and energy. Our headquarters is in Santa Fe, NM. We also have offices in Denver and Boulder, CO and Phoenix and Tucson, AZ. Visit for more information.